Learning skills that connect body, brain & breath. Empowering learners to integrate sensory experiences, regulate the emotional expression and focus the mind.

Flexi Flow offers solutions to responsive behavioural management, social & emotional needs though whole-body focused learning skills that are easy to learn, simple to integrate!
Why Flexi Flow?

Flexi Flow offers practical and effective staff & kid skills programs that fuse yoga, circus & mindful play with neurophysiology research. A simple whole-body understanding of the relationship between the nervous system, learning processes & learner experience.

What We Do

Intentionally designed school packages and learning programs bring creative solutions to student wellbeing and learning experience.

How We Do It

Essential Skills for Kids & Staff in Wellbeing & Learning Innovation.
  • Onsite Kids Skills Workshops & Community Events

    Flexi Flow Coaches bring colour and passion to any school group. Our programs Kids Skills Workshops and pop-up mindful play spaces are designed to skill young learners with practical tools for emotional regulation, sensory integration, social skills, fine & gross motor skills necessary for focus and attention.

  • Staff Skills: Online Programs & Professional Development Training Packages

    Skilling staff empowers teams with confidence to apply innovative practices in simple ways across curriculum programming and individual learning plan development. Flexi Flow programs align with the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework objectives.

  • Whole Community Approach & Learning Culture Strategies

    Flexi Flow activates self-animated and sustainable learning cultures. Flexi Flow offers interdisciplinary approaches to individual & collective needs. With tailored In-House, Online & iMentoring packages, Flexi Flow Skills are designed to be integrated across timetable in short, simple ways. Bringing more intention and flow across classroom management and whole school cohesion.

Core Principals

Based on neurophysiology and trauma informed practices Flexi Flow Skills use movement and breath to regulate & activate the brain. Practical everyday skills & frameworks to empower learners to find their own flow.
  • Active Mindfulness

    Meditation is a state of flow that can be found in movement & stillness. Active meditation engages breath, intention, music, visualisation and movement. Regular meditation improves concentration, self-awareness and emotional regulation.

  • Learning Integration

    Movement and joy based learning activates neural pathways enabling the body to retain, embed and integrate new knowledge and skills. Movement, sensory integration and breath effect learners capacity to respond and engage differently. Empower Learners with everyday learning flow skills.

  • Wellbeing & Mindful Play

    Mindful play activates wellbeing and offers the space to re-imagine and create new ways of being and seeing the world. Mindful play animates a space of joyful creative engagement between adults and children. Flexi Flow's fuses Circus, Yoga, Music and Sound Therapy with creative wellbeing practices - easily & quickly engaging and skilling learners to embody curiosity led, joyful learning.

National Education Standards & Curriculum

Practically skilling schools & services to reach:

  • Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) Quality Areas: 1 to 6

  • Australian Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Authority’s (ACARA) requirements for Health & Physical Education, General Capacities: Critical & Creative Thinking, Personal & Social Capacity

  • Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s (QCAA) 21st Century Thinking & Wellbeing Skills.

  • Queensland Education Department’s Student Wellbeing & Learning Framework.

Play-based, creative mindfulness and activated learning spaces.

Engaging programs to support services in creating inclusive, happy and healthy learning communities for early years & school-aged children. We bring vibrancy, color & connection to community events & holiday programs.

Flexi Flow activates learning communities that honor, nurture, and animated children’s creative capacity, social connection, and emotional well being. We meet them as individuals, bringing out their inspired, empowered and compassionate selves.

Stay Connected - Join Our Collective of Learning Innovators!

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Amy Blane - Program Site Manager Jabiru Communities for Kids – New Farm

Onsite Programs & Workshops

Amy Blane - Program Site Manager Jabiru Communities for Kids – New Farm

Flexi Flow workshops always engage our children, as each type of learner finds something different to connect with. As a large service with over 70 daily participants, we have enjoyed numerous workshops with Chelsea and her team, focused on circus skills and movement, as well as yoga, breathing exercises and mindfulness practices. Workshops are tailored to children of varying age ranges, so her lessons resonate with children who are at both the beginnings and nearing the ends of their primary school journeys.
Gerard Dowling B.A. B.Soc.Wk General Manager, School Age Care Jabiru Community, Youth and Children’s Services Inc

Creative Communities Co-Creators Wellbeing & Learning Innovation Partner

Gerard Dowling B.A. B.Soc.Wk General Manager, School Age Care Jabiru Community, Youth and Children’s Services Inc

Working with Chelsea & Flexi Flow Mentors to deliver circus, yoga and mindfulness programs for our 22 school age care services has been a delightful experience. Flexi Flow's engaging programs support our services in creating inclusive, happy and healthy before and after school and holiday experiences for over a thousand children in our care.

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