The Key is Movement
Mindfulness & Wellbeing increases connectivity in the frontal lobe of the brain, which is linked to improved attention, memory processing and decision making. Through mindful play, yoga, & circus skills children strengthen their capacity to respond to multiple stimuli with focus, clarity and a steady centre. With Flexi Flow's unique & individual approach, we have seen 1000s of children:
Develop body awareness, core strength and balance. Increase confidence & positive self-image.
Build concentration and resilience. Engage more fully with themselves and the world.
Manage stress through breathing, awareness, meditation and healthy movement.
Improve their awareness of others and build more positive relationships.
Experience their own being, becoming and belonging in a healthy, non-competitive group.
Re-engage with educational spaces through joy-based learning experiences.
How would your children be, if they were more like this?
Vision: Connection, Play & Creative Courage
At Flexi Flow we respect our students and understand that each of them has an individual, unique & multidimensional personal story. The core value of Flexi Flow is to empower young people to create their own narrative, define and identify their true wants & needs.
We believe that learning can only be fostered from a feeling of mutual respect, guidance, and direction, and do our very best to maintain those values in everything we do. Our unique approach invites people to foster joy based learning, consciously create & respond to dynamic spaces and with a compassionate heart connect to the people & places around them.
What is Flexi Flow?
A Learning Services Provider that weaves creative therapies with neuroscience. Skilling learners in responsive trauma-informed, growth mindset practices. A practical application of positive psychology and educational wellbeing frameworks.
Flexi Flow is a Brisbane based, profit- for-purpose social enterprise founded by Chelsea Baker, with support from energised and committed interdisciplinary collaborators.
Since 2015, Chelsea has been providing consulting services to a specialist Flexi School & community learning collectives that seek to nurture through creative responsive learning environments, relevant educational opportunities, integrated social and emotional support and innovative practices that aim to break the cycle of disengagement in learning & purpose based living.
The flexibility of body, mind, and spirit speaks to the resilience & creativity Chelsea has witnessed in many beautiful stories across her work with diverse learners & communities.
Flow is the action of "steady easeful movement or zone: inspired and un-time-bound".
Chelsea found her flow in hooping, then combined this new found love of play with her creative application of yoga & diverse professional practice. From there on Chelsea has kept seeking more avenues to step into this way of embodied, joy based resonance.
With this, "Flexi Flow" was created in hopes to reach a diverse range of students & support the adults who care for and love them.
Flexi Flow works in partnership with parents, educators & learning leadership teams alongside numerous valued community groups to support transitional schooling phases, inspired learning and creative wellbeing as part of school & learning collective cultures.
Why is Flexi Flow needed?
School is the most significant developmental context, after family, for primary school-aged children.
Education & Care Services play a crucial role in building children's self-esteem and sense of competence. They can also act as a safety net and assist in protecting children from circumstances that affect their learning, development, and wellbeing.
Flexi Flow Skills are designed to nurture mental health and wellbeing - vital for learning and life.
Children who are mentally healthy learn better, benefit from life experiences and have stronger relationships with family members, school staff and peers. Good mental health in childhood also provides a solid foundation for:
Managing the transitions from early years through to adolescence and adulthood
Engaging successfully in education & purpose driven learning processes
Resilient, responsive and considered ability to make positive personal choices with considered discernment
Making a meaningful contribution to society.
Underpinned by leading research
Flexi Flow is underpinned by decades of research on the social and emotional wellbeing of children
Flexi Flow programs are aligned with the Australian National and State Student Learning & Wellbeing Frameworks, the National Quality Framework & the Early Years Learning Framework. Our programs are easily embedded within the student curriculum. We will work with you to customise solutions for your school's wellbeing needs.
- Student Learning & Wellbeing Framework, Queensland Dept of Education, 2018
- Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, Australian Dept of Education & Training, 2019
- Quality Area 1: Creating Educational Programs & Practice - National Quality Framework
- Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing, Early Years Learning Framework
- Creating Health Promoting Schools, World Heath Organisation